Well, there is a distinction and its simply that one is a male driver and the other driver is a female. Sex has absolutely nothing to do with being a good driver or not. Your car can't tell the difference when you get behind the wheel. Well, probably not until you put your foot on the accelerator and then the car engine will often know the difference. Women do tend to be a little more hesitant about 'gunning' the motor and prefer to slip up to the wanted speed more slowly and cautiously than a male driver.
One of the bigger problems I've had as a woman when buying car insurance is trying to prove that I've been covered for twenty years as a joint policy holder in my ex-husbands name. I've never had a traffic accident so I've never needed to make a claim but after we divorced I had to start all over again to get my full 'no-claim' bonus discount. I thought this was grossly unfair but that seemed to be the policy of all the insurance companies that I asked for a quote from, including the one where we had had our joint policy. I couldn't help wondering at the time if it was a 'male' thing of "there but for the grace of God go I". Needless to say, I did find one that was a bit more understanding and gave me a 25% no-claim discount and I've been with that insurance company ever since and they now have all my insurance policies.
Womens car insurance quotes and policies should not be subject to any undue levy's based on their sex. Women who are in the process of divorce or are thinking of a divorce, get a copy of all your insurance policies with your name on them because you are going to need those when you resettle into your new home.

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