Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thining Hair

Thining hair is an embarassment to those whose crowning glory is now more crown than glory! Just ask me, I'm a woman and my hair is thining and I find it a source of embarassment too. Especially when I have a loving son who loves to come along and give me a pat on the head occassionally.

This would be even nicer if he remembered not to comment on the thining bit. I laugh it off and say that brains have to be seen some time but I wish I didn't have to say anything at all.

I know that it may be a family problem as my brothers are rapidly balding too. I'm not bald yet, just very thin on top.

Why is it that men are considered debonair and sophisticated if they have a crowning patch but women are looked at weirdly if they have thining hair.

This is another example of gender discrimination because the same cause of thining hair is the same for men and women. Men don't have one reason for going bald and women another, it's something to do with our human condition and it doesn't seem to discriminate.

But science has stepped up to the plate (pate?) and now offers a natural and simple solution without all the high-de-ho-doe of times past. Go to to get your hair regrowth started today.

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