Monday, September 21, 2009

XsitePro Boosted with XHeader Templates

XsitePro has saved me hundred's and hundred's of dollars. Then the XsitePro team 'upped' the value and gave me the XHeader programme saving me hundred's more. Now I not only whip all my own websites up in a matter of hours, I also make all my own graphic headers that, even if I am immodest enough to say so, look pretty 'acceptable'. Australians are not given to singing our own praises~ we consider that 'bad form'.

I am what is euphemistically called a "technophobe" in the warrior forum but I know me and I would say "I'm a scaredy cat" I am so afraid of breaking something that I tend to walk around it, poke it, prod it, smell it, watch it, until I'm sure I can actually use something before I give anything a go. Unless I'm 200% sure I can do something I don't get around to using anything. And this was my biggest mistake so far in my quest to become an Internet Marketer.

Then I bit the bullet and started doing as I was instructed by the teaching videos supplied with XsitePro.

What a right royal idiot I had been to not have used the software when I first bought XsitePro1. It was so easy to use and so user friendly and it all worked brilliantly. I went from a toddler to a runner. But then the XsitePro team produced XSP2 and now I am both a marathon runner and a sprinter. It is so incredibly easy to whip up a website before the new domain name has even percolated through all the Registrars.

I've often finished my website before my new domain name is ready to be uploaded to. And that is also inclusive of a terrific graphic header made with XHeader and writing 99.99% of all my own content and with as many affiliate links and / or redirects included in the website as I want.

It is a real credit to Paul Smithson and his team at Intellimon Ltd. for providing such a dynamic and helpful tool for any aspiring Internet Marketer who is looking for an easy to use and sophisticated piece of software.

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