Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Don’t Flog when you Blog

Hi Everyone,

How many times have you looked forward to reading a blog post only to find that for the second or third post in a row they have been flogging one product after another?

I find this really disappointing because I’ll go to someone’s blog just to read their latest missive because up until this happens, I’ve learnt something from what they have had to say. IMHO they are shooting themselves in the foot.

Now if I go to read a favourite blog and I occasionally get recommended a good product because they have pricked my interest with their review, I will often buy it purely because they have recommended it. It all comes down to trust, doesn’t it?

Trust is a very fragile thing between people at the best of times. In the real world it can be easily destroyed but in the online world it is even easier to destroy the trust that you nurture with your list of customers. And sometimes you don’t even know it.

That is, until you get a rash of unsubscribes then you know that you have done the wrong thing but by then it’s often too late. Some people will not unsubscribe immediately but you can ‘bet your boots’ that they don’t open your emails so regularly now.

If you really need money in a hurry then having a big list is helpful. It’s even more useful though if they trust you. Sometimes your needs have to take a back seat in favour of the people who trust you to be always honest with them.

Blogs are useful tools in an internet marketer’s arsenal because they can be very interactive. They can answer a question quickly and a conversation can be started between like minded people.

The blog owner can learn a lot more about the people on his list if they can get one of these viral type blog conversations started.

My suggestion would be before you set up a blog that you intend to keep and grow daily, have a plan for what you want it to achieve and how you are going to do it.

Sounds obvious right? But if you read through the blogosphere you will quickly see how many unloved and underutilised blogs are floating aimlessly through the search results.

As a person who often goes to blogs looking for the latest info, I find this annoying and a great time waster. So when I see an active, loved blog I will bookmark it.

Give me what I need and you will get more of what you want. Isn’t that how we are taught?

Kind Regards,


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