Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Supermodel Diet Secrets

Supermodels have a diet secret that we can all share. Their diet happens in their mind and their mind is what controls what they eat and drink. And the other secret is that you can do exactly the same.

Before anything happens to our bodies it first has to be thought of in our minds. It's our minds that control what we do and how we do it. Once you have mastered your own mind you will be a long way along the path to dieting success.

If the mind can conceive a subject or thought, the body can do the action. They work in tandem with the mind being the 'boss'. Once you accept the fact that if you decide something in your mind, your thoughts will make sure that is what you get. So if you focus your mind on success that will simply be the way you go. Yes, it sounds simplistic but what have you got to lose by trying it out? If I'm right (and I know I am because "I've been there, done that")

If you spend the larger proportion of your diet in feeling deprived or hard done by, this is what your thoughts are telling your body so your body reacts by feeling deprived.

If you focus your thoughts on how good you feel, how much energy you have and now that you have all this energy you decide that a walk in the sunshine would be nice so then you get your exercise in for the day without feeling deprived or 'hard done by' in needing to go and do some exercise.

We refer to this as "self-talk" and it can be either your very best friend or you can make it to be your very real enemy. This self-talk is a case of 'either-or' and represents either end of the success scale. It is either all good or all really, really bad.

This is the secret that supermodels have sown in their minds from a very early age and they harvest it daily to stay super slim and still enjoy their lives. You too can enjoy this supermodel diet secret simply by practising it every day.

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