Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Your Personal Phone Number Finder

Have you ever been caught in a situation where you have both hands full and the cell or mobile phone rings and you just can't answer it? I have seen a person balance china very precariously on a shopping trolley just to answer her phone. I held my breathe and walked away because I couldn't bear to watch the smashing of such beautiful china on the shop floor because she felt she had to answer a phone call. Coalport is very fine and expensive fine china for those who are not aficionados of the brand.

I have also seen painters high up on scaffolding painting a three story building and they have had their mobile phone with them. Scaffolding is not designed or placed to serve like an office and watching this poor painter try to write something on paper, hold his phone, stop his paint tray from spilling while the planks bounced about from the movements of his partner on the same scaffold made me realise that there simply has to be a better system invented somewhere where people could still get phone calls or contact details without so much inconvenience and personal risk.

When you are a small business you simply can't afford to miss phone calls. Each phone call just may be the one to save your bank balance that month from dipping too far into the red and you getting a phone call from your bank manager.

We all know that we can easily call any missed call on our phones simply by returning the call. But what if you don't know who the caller is because it's not a phone number you recognize? What if you are a small business and you are having money troubles and creditors are hounding you so much that you can't complete a work job to get paid to pay them back because you are always on the phone explaining to them that you are in financial difficulties?

Well now with a special phone number finder you get to choose who you speak to and when, which allows you the freedom to screen your calls, get on with your work and get out of any financial difficulties if you are in any.

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